Our Team
Gertrud PijnenburgPractice owner
As a physiotherapist with an MSc in geriatric physiotherapy I provide (physiotherapy) advice on how to manage complex geriatric health problems, Parkinson’s disease and osteoporosis.
My advice is based on a comprehensive consultation, questionnaires and functional testing. I will discuss the results with you and will recommend an exercise programme that is adapted to your abilities and aspirations. You can follow my advice at home on your own. Or you can take it to a general physiotherapist or join a gym and possibly work with a personal trainer. We can meet at regular intervals to monitor the changes in your functioning and adjust your exercise programme.
Member of: ParkinsonNet, Chronisch ZorgNet, The Movement Disorders Society, European Geriatric Medicine Society, Royal Dutch Society for Physiotherapy (KNGF) and Dutch Association for Geriatric Physiotherapy (NVFG).
Open: Different days each week.
Email: fysiotherapeuten@gmail.com
Telephone: 020 622 54 77
BIG number: 39034706604